The story of an emotional performance
“Fratelli,” based on Carmelo Samonà’s novel, will take the stage on November 29 at 9 PM at the Giacconi Theater in Chiaravalle. This play, part of the Tespi/Malati di niente festival, explores the delicate relationship between two brothers who find ways to connect through games and stories, despite challenges and differences.
Inclusive and transformative theater
Teatro La Ribalta-Kunst der Vielfalt, based in Bolzano, is Italy’s only professional theater company featuring actors with mental health conditions. Directed by Antonio Viganò, with performances by Michele Calcari and Paolo Grossi, the company has received the prestigious Ubu Special Project Award, standing out as a beacon of creativity and inclusion.
A simple yet powerful language
In “Fratelli,” the narrative uses simplicity and poetry to guide the audience through an emotional journey filled with movements and storytelling. The play delves into the brothers’ daily rituals, uncovering the strength and fragility of familial bonds.
Meet Antonio Viganò
At 5:30 PM, before the play, director Antonio Viganò will present his book “The illness that heals theater”, exploring theater’s transformative power in society. The discussion will feature experts like Simone Guerro and Gilberto Maiolatesi.
Side events and practical info
Throughout the TESPI / Malati di niente festival, visit the “Fuori Colore” exhibition at Carlo Urbani Cultural and Tourist Center in Monte San Vito, curated by Andrea Marconi and Silvia Tobaldi.
- Full price: €10.00
- Reduced: €8.00
Exhibition hours: 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM
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