Home Economy Economic maneuver: new fiscal measures for banks and businesses

Economic maneuver: new fiscal measures for banks and businesses


The new fiscal contribution proposed by the Italian government aims to generate over half a billion euros from the banking sector. This adjustment, introduced as an amendment to the budget law, lowers the deductibility rate for banks’ write-downs and credit losses from 80% to 54%. This measure will bring an additional revenue of €510 million to the State.

In total, the contribution required from banks will rise to €1.205 billion in 2025, according to estimates by Unimpresa. The goal is to finance a favorable corporate tax (Ires) for businesses that reinvest their profits in development, sustainability, and innovation projects.


Rewarding sustainable business growth

Unimpresa welcomes the government’s decision to encourage virtuous businesses through a tax system that rewards investments in digital transformation and sustainability. According to Unimpresa’s national advisor, Manlio La Duca, this measure is an essential step in enhancing Italy’s productive sector, with particular attention to small and medium-sized enterprises, the backbone of the country’s economy.

The decision to increase banks’ fiscal contributions, which have benefited from high interest rates in recent years, is seen as a responsible and balanced move. This redistribution will support the productive system without undermining the strategic role of the banking sector.

Towards a broader fiscal strategy

Unimpresa emphasizes the importance of continuous dialogue between the government and social partners to optimize the implementation of these measures. The hope is that this provision will mark the beginning of a broader fiscal strategy aimed at reducing the tax burden on businesses and stimulating long-term economic growth.



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