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“Alla Stazione”: the new single by Romano Bros blending pop-rock and life metaphors


From Friday, January 17, 2025, “Alla stazione”, the new single by the Romano Bros, is available on all digital streaming platforms. Released by Carpe Diem Music, the track previews their second album, “Viaggiatori Musicanti”, featuring a distinctive Italian pop-rock sound influenced by Mediterranean rhythms.

A metaphor of life’s journeys

“Alla stazione” takes the imagery of a railway station to metaphorically depict life itself. Through stories of travels, waits, farewells, and reunions, the song captures deep emotions and reflective moments.


«The song is the opening track of our new project, Viaggiatori Musicanti. The album includes 13 tracks plus a reprise, and its main theme is the journey, both physical and inner,» explain the Romano Bros. «Our music is inspired by our travels and life experiences, infused with Mediterranean rhythms and autobiographical stories.»

An evocative video

The official music video for “Alla stazione”, directed by Sicilian filmmaker Dante Di Pasquale, showcases the unique atmosphere of train stations like Dittaino, Villarosa, Acireale, and Catania. Featuring Sicilian actors Federica Amore and Raffaele Costanzo, the video amplifies the song’s central theme, evoking emotions tied to departures and reunions.

Watch the video on YouTube: Alla stazione – Romano Bros

Romano Bros: a musical journey of pop-rock and tradition

Hailing from Piazza Armerina, Angelo and Marco Romano have built a career deeply rooted in their land and traditions. As sons of guitarist Pippo Romano, the brothers blend cantautorale pop-rock with Mediterranean influences in their compositions.

After the success of their debut album, “Figli degli anni ’70”, and several singles, the Romano Bros have performed in over a thousand concerts across Sicily, Italy, and abroad, earning significant accolades in music festivals and contests. Highlights of their career include opening for Lucio Dalla’s concerts and performing during the Pope’s visit to Sicily in 2018.

“Alla stazione” is more than just a song: it’s an invitation to reflect on life’s journeys, experiences, and emotions.

What’s your take on the Romano Bros’ new single? Share your thoughts in the comment form below!



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