Home Italy African swine fever prevention: hygiene issues found in a Secchia Valley agritourism

African swine fever prevention: hygiene issues found in a Secchia Valley agritourism

Ensuring public health and food safety

Carabinieri NAS

I Carabinieri del NAS di Parma, in collaborazione con il Nucleo Carabinieri Forestali, hanno condotto un’importante ispezione igienico-sanitaria presso un’azienda The NAS Carabinieri of Parma, supported by the Forestry Carabinieri Unit, recently carried out a hygiene inspection at a farmhouse in the Secchia Valley. This initiative is part of broader efforts to combat African Swine Fever, a serious disease affecting pigs with significant economic and public health implications.

No untraceable pork found, but poor hygiene uncovered

While no untraceable pork products were found during the inspection, authorities identified several hygiene issues in the facility. The kitchen and pantry areas showed:

  • Cobwebs, dust, and grease residues;
  • Food remnants improperly disposed of;
  • Lack of mosquito screens on windows, allowing insect entry;
  • Trash bins without foot-pedal-operated lids.

These deficiencies pose risks to food safety and represent non-compliance with regulatory hygiene standards.

Penalties imposed

The agritourism’s legal representative received a €1,000 fine for the violations. This enforcement action highlights the critical need to uphold high hygiene standards, especially in businesses that cater to the public and handle food.

Continued efforts against African swine fever

This inspection is part of the Carabinieri’s ongoing monitoring efforts to prevent any conditions that could facilitate the spread of African Swine Fever. Though the disease poses no risk to humans, it has devastating effects on the food supply chain and ecosystems.

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