Home Italy 2024: the hottest year on record, says Copernicus

2024: the hottest year on record, says Copernicus

Global warming surpasses the critical 1.5°C threshold

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The year 2024 has marked a new global warming record, with the planet’s average temperature rising above 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times. This alarming data comes from the Copernicus report, the European Earth observation program, confirming that the world has exceeded the critical threshold set by the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The temperature increase aligns with a concerning trend that has seen a surge in extreme weather events in recent years, including heatwaves, wildfires, and increasingly intense hurricanes. Scientists warn that continuously surpassing the 1.5°C mark could trigger irreversible changes in ecosystems and atmospheric dynamics.


The Copernicus report also highlights that in 2024, greenhouse gas concentrations reached unprecedented levels, significantly contributing to global warming. Carbon dioxide and methane, the primary drivers of the greenhouse effect, continue to accumulate in the atmosphere at an alarming rate, making climate mitigation goals harder to achieve.

The climate crisis is now an undeniable reality. What do you think are the most effective solutions to tackle climate change? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!



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